Hell Week Humiliation and Other Femdom Stories Page 3
“On your knees slave, hands out, knees wide!”
Robotically Alex knelt, his whole body tensed like a spring ready to explode. Feeling his wrists being cuffed to the bedposts, his breathing grew more rapid as he now knew he was completely helpless. Rubbing her palms up and down his muscular back and down his lightly furred delicious chest, she giggled as she reached between his legs. Harder than any man she had ever felt before, she grew wet thinking of all of the fun she was going to have with him over the next week. Reaching into her closet behind her, she took out a long red scarf and wrapped it around his head, blindfolding him.
“There we go, all nice and safe.” She said with a giggle. “We can’t let lowly slaves like you see what they should not see.”
Chained naked to the foot of her bed, he realized this was hell, a delicious hell, but hell just the same. After she placed the blindfold over his eyes she began to strip. Alex was going crazy as he heard each piece of clothing hit the floor after it was passed over his aching body, imagining her gorgeous naked form just inches from him. Chained as he was he could not move an inch and just sighed in desperation. So close to his ultimate desire, but still so far far away.
Now nude like he, Victoria lay down and started to go to sleep. As she felt her lids growing heavy, she reached out with one foot and placed it firmly over his face while the other she nestled in between his cock and balls. Alex was squirming in delight, but his horniness was almost too much to bear as he felt her toes teasing his body. His arousal grew as he knew she was completely naked but hidden from his eyes and so close he could smell her arousal, just like all those panties in the laundry room . As she drifted off to sleep, he lightly kissed the sole of her foot which she left in his face all night. Eventually, Alex drifted off as well, still chained and throbbing at the foot of her bed.
When he awoke in the morning, he felt a blindfold being put over his eyes and sighed in relief. The relief was short lived and to his great disappointment, he saw that Victoria was clothed.
“Time for your shower Boy” Victoria cheerfully announced and she unchained him from the bed. Before Alex could get his bearings, he found himself handcuffed behind his back, reblindfolded and led down the hall into the bathroom. To his great shame he was directed to the toilet and told to relieve himself. It was explained to him that they did not trust him alone with his penis unsupervised, so all his eliminations were to be chaperoned for the whole week. Alex blushed, but eventually did his business, to the great delight of the crowd of girls gathered to watch. His hopes grew again as he was led into the showers and he could hear the sound of laughing girls and running water and only imagine the delightful scene in progress.
He was still blindfolded, but would have gleefully traded his left nut to be able to see what was going on for just a single minute. From the sounds around him it was obvious that at least 4 or 5 girls were all showering just inches away from his body and being this close to so many nude coeds had his cock worked up into a frenzy. He was of course hard, and sensing all that delicious female flesh so close, his dick started throbbing as if to want to find its own way to paradise without bringing the rest of his body along for the party.
He jumped when he felt the first female hands touch his body. Two pairs of hands now scrubbed Alex thoroughly; his hair, neck, face and especially his ass and penis. By the end of the delicious ordeal Alex was insane with lust but still cuffed and therefore helpless. Quickly frog marched out of the shower he was taken into the changing room and dried off. Once outside of the shower the blindfold and handcuffs were removed and he was told to go get his uniform on, as he would be late for class.
Alex, still unused to being naked around women, really had to fight the urge to cover himself as he walked downstairs to retrieve his “uniform”. Every time that he did a rogue Omega would slap him on the ass and scream at him to keep his hands off their property. Eventually he made it downstairs and entered the laundry room and spied his “uniform” hanging on the line.
To his great horror, it had obviously shrunk! When he looked it over he realized he should have hand washed it, as the instructions clearly stated it was delicate. Now his humiliation only grew worse as the tiny panties from the day before now were ridiculously small and looked as if they might disintegrate at the slightest touch. Struggling for almost 20 minutes to get the panties on he eventually succeeded but he was terror struck as he stood before one of the mirrors installed over the washing machine.
If he thought yesterday was embarrassing he was wrong. Today it was almost like he WAS naked as every curve of his cock and balls were highlighted by the tight panties and looking at his reflection in the mirror he almost thought he could count each vein on his shaft. The fabric was clearly straining to contain his above average sized package and he began to sweat as he heard the distinct sound of fibers ripping. He knew now that for the rest of Hell Week he was going to have to be very very careful with his uniform if he wanted to maintain any modesty at all. Exiting the Gamma House to rush to his first class he already was blushing as catcalls and whistles filled the air as he was spotted.
It was a good thing that this was a fairly opened minded University as most schools would have a problem with some frat boy coming to class half naked. Some teachers barely raised an eyebrow, recognizing a Hell Week hazing stunt for what it was, but others were less than charitable. Mrs. Smith, his History 102 teacher was especially harsh and told Alex to sit in the back so as to not make too much of a spectacle of himself. This admonishment, if it was even possible, humiliated him almost as much as his near nudity did.
Alex white knuckled his way through the rest of his classes, constantly taunted and teased by delighted coeds all day who took great delight viewing so much of his tight cut body now exposed to their gaze. As the day progressed he grew more and more nervous as he knew eventually he would have to run the gauntlet of the commons again. As his last class ended, the butterflies in his stomach began to riot as he looked at the clock and realized it was time for the dreaded walk home. There was no way to avoid the Commons and he knew that this was the point where he was going to be MOST exposed all day. Maybe today he could slip through unnoticed by any of the Omega girls and make it to the “relative” safety of the sorority house, but he had doubts. At least there his humiliations were somewhat private.
Alex walked quickly through the crowd of students, enduring a series of pinches to his ass and strokes to his manhood as an endless parade of young women took this opportunity to grab and prod. He tried to ignore them as best he could as he realized that once free of this crowded square he would be able to discreetly sneak back home. Just as he reached the edge of the most trafficked area his heart sank as he heard his name called out.
“Oh foot slut! Don’t run away so fast, you have some tasks to perform today!!!!” His obvious arousal by the soft curve of a woman’s foot had been noted by all of the Gammas and they now intended on taking full advantage of this information.
His blood ran cold as he stopped and turned but he had knew he had no choice. For the week he was at their mercy and so with his heart sinking and his head hanging down he walked over to the three Omega Girls sitting on one of the benches in the middle of the quad.
“Today Alex, we have decided you need you to earn a little money. You did so spectacularly poorly at the questions yesterday, we are taking mercy on you and only giving you the option of performing a task.” Laughing at his obvious growing arousal and humiliation the first girl continued. “You know we are feeding you while you are our GUEST, and so we expect to be compensated and hence this little fundraiser. Now, Get on your knees and spread your legs out wide.”
Alex complied and realized that in this position he was REALLY exposed. Every curve and crevice of his balls and cock were completely visible through the thin silky fabric of the panties and the obvious spectacle was already attracting a growing crowd. There was little separating him from complete nudity but just a few inches of fabric so he was about as nearly nude as he could get. As he knelt in this embarrassing position, he felt something being put around his neck. Lifting the sign up to see what it said, his cock twitched as he read the contents.
“Foot Massage - 5 minutes, 5 dollars”.
“Oh J-J-J-Jesus!” Alex stammered out as his cock began to steadily rise and his ears picked up the distinct sound of fabric starting to rip. This was a nightmare, his own erection was in the process of destroying his only clothing for the week. A few more minutes of this and it would no doubt pop off entirely and he would be left completely naked in front of 1000 students. Adding to his troubles was the fact the he was now completely at the center of attention of the entire plaza so his imminent nudity would be on full display to almost every girl on campus.
His fear grew since he knew that If an attractive girl came up and asked for a foot massage, he was done for. The Omega girls had discovered something he had long known, that the soft fleshy toes and sultry curve of a woman’s foot were like gasoline to his erotic fire. Within seconds his fear was realized as a beautiful latin girl approached waving 3 five dollar bills in the air. Obviously she had intentions to book his services for a while.
Wearing a thin white cotton sundress backlit by the setting sun revealing her beautiful curves beneath she was truly stunnng. It was obvious that she was not wearing a bra or panties underneath, and her large full breasts caused the top of her dress to pucker in all the right places both to his delight and angst. Alex tried to look away but being a horny eighteen year old virgin made that possibility impossible. Visually devouring the beautiful vision approaching him waving her money he knew he was only making things worse by staring but he was helpless to resist. Struggling to will his cock into submission, he felt the fabric of his panties stretc
h to the limit as he was now at full mast. The gorgeous and very sultry Latina looked down at him kneeling on the ground and smiled, adding a little wink just for emphasis.
“I guess that’s for me isn’t it? Well, the girls of Omega house tell me you have quite a thing for feet, so this ought to be a treat for you”.
As she finished speaking she placed her left foot right on his chest as she handed over the money. Alex was trembling as he saw her perfect toes, her long curved arch, the delectable sole and to top it all off, a little silver ankle bracelet with a key on it dangling right in front of his face. Sitting on the bench she pointed to her foot and grinned.
“I think you should kiss it first before you start massaging.”
Alex almost burst out of his panties right then, but somehow miraculously the fabric held. Reaching down he closed his eyes and lightly kissed each toe before taking the foot in his hand and beginning the massage. Feeling his strong hands caress her instep, she sighed as she slumped down on the bench.
For the next 15 minutes Alex slavishly and tenderly kissed, sucked and massaged this Latin beauties feet. Both she and he were in heaven and she threw her head back and moaned in appreciation as he kissed his way up her right sole. A crowd, mostly of girls, gathered to watch the display and many were getting quite aroused at the sight. Here was this hunky guy, almost naked, completely adoring this lucky girl’s feet. Several started to root around in their bags for money to get in line for their treatment. He would have no shortage of willing customers now.
When the beauty moaned and wriggled her toes in Alex’s mouth, obviously on the verge of an orgasm caused entirely by the worship of her feet, the inevitable happened and the fabric finally gave way. This had been too much and Alex’s cock, which had been straining on the edge of its full length amazingly got even harder and started to throb uncontrollably the tiny strings snapped. The increase in his erection coupled with the throbbing had been too much for the weakened fabric and the panties burst off like the release of a rubber band that had been wound too tight. In just seconds, the ruined garment now lay in a pile in between his legs.
Alex was completely naked now and to the delight of all of the girls present, visibly dripping pre-cum on the ground.
Alex almost reached for his panties, but caught himself. He knew he would be punished if he acted too rashly. The Omega girls present applauded his performance and told him to collect the remains of his “uniform” and to try and repair them as much as possible. He had passed his task for the day. His face red with humiliation he quickly tied the broken strings into a knot and ran the rest of the way to the sorority house. As he ran he heard the crowd of girls applauding and whistling and asking if he would be back tomorrow.
That night, like the one before, Alex performed laundry duty but now was especially careful with the shredded remains of his only remaining garment. If he tied each side they could still be used, but in their degraded state he was closer to exposure each minute than ever before. When he emerged from the laundry room into the living room, nude of course, his face turned white as he saw the latin girl from earlier sitting on the couch, obviously enjoying seeing his full display.
Victoria took Alex by the hand and brought him over to the girl.
“Alex, I think you have met my cousin Martina. She will be staying with us this week, and as a special gift to her, I told her that she could enjoy your company in her room tonight”.
Martina winked and Alex just sheepishly smiled as she led him by the hand upstairs and, as Victoria had the night before, tied him to the end of her bed. One thing she did differently however was to leave his blindfold off and he was going crazy with desire as her brown flawless skin was slowly exposed as she stripped. When she finally completely naked, Alex was in heaven, but, tied to the end of the bed he desperately struggled, to the obvious delight of Martina. Scooting to the end of the bed she wriggled her pussy right in his face.
‘I think you have some unfinished business from the afternoon, don’t you?”.
Alex didn’t need to be told twice and his whole body vibrated as he realized he was going to taste his first pussy. Having watched quite a bit of porn growing up, he tried every trick he had seen and spent the next 2 hours eating her out to multiple orgasms. He was pleased to find that he was doing it right as her increasing moans and writhing guided him on his journey. If she was silent, he did something different, if she was loud, he did whatever he was doing more. To Martina’s delight she found him a natural talent and his desperate eager tongue pleased her for hours.
Finally around midnight, Martina passed out, her pussy still shoved dripping into his face. Alex remained bound at the foot of the bed and was hornier than he thought possible as his precum leaked out of his cock like a sieve. Sighing in total joy at his first sexual experience he blissfully went to sleep. His face was completely covered in Martina’s juices and his nose placed firmly up her snatch so that he breathed in her delicious scent deep into his lungs. Her warm sexy musky perfume filled his heart (and balls) with a dull aching and longing for sweet denied release.
The next day passed much like the first two had with the teasing shower, the constant near nudity (now made worse by the degraded state of his uniform), the taunts of delighted coeds at his near naked state and the feeling of dread as he realized it was time for his afternoon dash through the commons. Now with classes over, Alex looked around nervously for any Omega girls before he entered the quad. Hiding behind a trashcan, he waited until it appeared that the coast was clear and decided to make a run for it. He was over halfway completed with Hell Week and still had maintained SOME dignity. If he could make it through today, he would almost be home free. Tomorrow was Thursday and as there was no school on Friday, even if he was completely stripped, his nudity would be brief and he could serve out the rest of his sentence at the Sorority House in private over the weekend. All he had to do was just had to make it through this last obstacle.
Right as he stepped into the commons his heart stopped as he felt two pairs of female hands grab his shoulders.
“Going home so soon Alex?” Jill, another of the Omega girls asked.
“No mistress, just here to serve you.” he robotically responded. Alex learned that the more degrading and subservient he sounded, the more merciful the treatment he usually received. At least that is what he THOUGHT was true.
“I know you think you are almost home free and if can make it through today you might escape being forced to parade around campus naked. Well, today should be your final big test. Please assume the position”.
Alex hung his head as he dropped to his knees. Preparing himself for some new humiliation he was surprised when the girls placed a dog collar around his neck and then proceeded to chain his wrists to it. In this new position, he could not cover himself at all, and the way he was positioned, his whole manhood would be completely exposed to whatever attack they decided to inflict on him. When two other Omega girls emerged from the now daily crowd he saw that they were holding two balloons. Alex looked puzzled as he could not imagine what they could be used for.
When each balloon was tied to the drawstring of his panties, and then tied together he held his breath as he knew what they were planning. This would certainly be the end of his panties and would mean the rest of the week would be spent in the nude if the balloons launched. Now, after all his effort trying to preserve his modesty his uniform would be carried off into the air, thus exposing him completely and he began to sweat as the reality sunk in at the extent of his predicament. With his arms chained to his neck he would be forced to walk home completely exposed with everything hanging out and no way to shield his shame. When the balloons were tied together and a third string placed in his mouth Alex began to really sweat.
Laughing as she looked into his reddening and panicked face, Jill ordered him to close his mouth. Now holding the taunt string holding the balloons back from launching into the air his face began to drip with nervous perspiration. Seeing him struggle, and looking down at the nearly shredded panties between his legs, she smirked.