Hell Week Humiliation and Other Femdom Stories Read online

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  Grabbing his ankles, Alex, like all of the othersm bent over and chanted as the blows descended on his buns. “Thank you sir, May I have another?! Thank you sir, May I have another?!”

  Now standing and grabbing their blistered posteriors, if they thought their troubles were ending they were mistaken. Over the next two days more paddlings were administered as each pledge was forced to clean the house from top to bottom, and to make it extra embarrassing, they had to do it completely naked. Nudity obviously was a big part of their initiation. By Sunday night they all were quite weary of this humiliating and increasingly painful routine, and when Brian ordered them all to assemble in the living room for a special meeting, each expected more of the same.

  “Ok SHIT FOR BRAINS, listen up. You ALL have passed the first test and have impressed your future brothers. This part of hell week is now over.”

  A cheer went up from the pledges as all thought that the torment was over. They were wrong of course, as Brian quickly pointed out.

  “CALM DOWN ASS WIPES, your Hell Week is not over, it is just beginning. You may have passed OUR test, but now you must pass our Sister’s tests, and trust me, they are even worse than us. No mere boy can become a Sigma MAN unless the sisters approve. Now, the choices have been made and you will begin your true initiation tomorrow morning as you are delivered to your new owners.” As Brian finished his speech he began reading out the names of each of the Pledges and the house who owned them for the next seven days.

  This tradition had been going on for a long time, and the system worked for all involved. The Sororities loved it as it allowed them the opportunity to inspect the new pledges and enjoy a little naked fun and torment on their future “brothers”. The Sigmas loved it because this made their fraternity the most popular on campus with the sororities and they were rewarded for their generosity by always having their parties filled to the rafters with eager and quite stunning coeds.

  Each year all of the new initiates were farmed out to the various sorority houses on campus for their “Hell Week” initiations. Usually the girls were pretty mild and took it relatively easy on the guys but they did enjoy having free labor for the week. Although they normally put their “prisoners” through some embarrassing tasks and worked them hard, generally speaking the pledges would find “Hell Week” was quite tolerable. There would be some spankings of course, and some humiliating nudity but nothing too rough as most of the time it was simply exhausting. The sisters always made sure to use the opportunity of having a “slave boy” in their midst to take care of any large projects such as roofing, painting or extensive landscaping so it was always a very physically demanding week for the new recruits. This year however, something spectacular was cooking and Alex was going to be the target.

  He had been chosen by Victoria to belong to the Omegas for the week, and once he and the other guys heard the announcement, they all looked at him with varying degrees of envy. The Omegas were no doubt the hottest girls on campus, and being their “slave boy” for a week seemed like less of a punishment and more of a reward to everyone. Everyone that was but Alex who was both aroused and petrified at the same time. Now that the assignments had been made, all of the new pledges went to their rooms to sleep and wait for dawn when their true trials would begin.

  At five am Alex was rudely pulled from his bed by several of his frat brothers and told to report downstairs. As he got out of bed and started to follow them in the dark early dawn, they stopped and ordered him to remove his shorts before proceeding down the hall. Sighing as he stepped out of his boxers he blushed and followed. This had been the pattern all weekend and though not used to it, he was resigned to this being his fate. Shy by nature he was easily embarrassed by this constant naked hazing but so far it had only been in front of a bunch of guys so it had not been too bad.

  Entering the main living room however, he immediately cupped himself. Now instead of being in the middle of his fraternity pledge masters, he was horrified to find himself standing before six of the most gorgeous members of the Omegas.

  “Drop the hands Alex”, Victoria commanded Victoria, as she suppressed a chuckle. “We own your ass now!”

  Alex reluctantly complied as his face turned several shades of red. He had never even been naked in front of one woman before, much less six and it was beyond embarrassing being displayed this way. He had nothing to be ashamed of as he had a very hard body and larger than average penis, but still was not used to being naked in public. As he stood there before them, cock out and balls swinging, his body surveyed up and down by the girls, the grins on their faces showed they approved. Smiling as she checked out his quite delightful and now swelling package, Victoria threw a gym bag at his feet.

  “Alex, inside this gym bag is your uniform for the week. Take good care of it as you will not be allowed to wear anything else either inside or outside of the house.” Lifting the bag up from the floor, Alex used it to cover his nudity from their gaze as Victoria continued her instructions.

  “You will be tested at random throughout the week by any member of our sorority. Any sister can ask you to do anything at anytime and failure to comply or pass their test will result in the permanent loss of one article of your uniform. Once surrendered, it can never be regained, so if I were you I would obey our sisters FULLY. It could end up being a very naked and humiliating week if you don’t follow instructions properly”.

  Alex nodded as he opened the bag and gulped when he saw the humiliating “uniform” he had been given. It consisted of only flip flops, a pink tank top with “Property of the Omega House” printed on the front and a pair of satin shorts that were extremely short and quite tight. Most embarrassing of all though his outfit included a tiny pair of floral bikini panties also emblazoned with the sorority’s name.

  Desperate to cover himself, he struggled for quite some time putting the panties on, but once he did, he realized they gave very him little protection. His cock and balls barely fit inside the tiny silk confines and his ass was half hanging out to the great delight of Victoria and the other Omegas. Wearing this was almost worse than being totally naked, as the silky feel of the panties on his dick caused him instantly to get half hard and once he felt himself start to get erect he immediately grabbed for the shorts. After struggling for quite some time he finally was able to put on the rest of the uniform and was relieved to no longer be nude in front of his gorgeous new owners. Now dressed he stood red faced and awaited further instructions.

  “You may go ahead and go to your classes today, but realize that anytime any sister approaches, you must obey instantly and completely without question or delay. They will give you a choice, perform a task or answer a question. If you fail to answer the question correctly or fail to complete the task to their satisfaction, you will lose an article of your precious uniform. Again, If I were you, I would obey instantly, or else get ready for a week of public nudity to add to your tasks at our sorority house.”

  Alex nodded again, understanding the new rules. Shoved out the door, he was forced to face the day as he was. Now time for his first class, he was incredibly embarrassed as he walked around campus in his ridiculous outfit. Attracting quite a lot of attention various girls pointed and laughed at his spectacle, and since all knew he was slave to the sorority they were inspired to try and get him even more humiliated. Several delightful females from another sorority sat next to him in his biology class and began running their feet up and down his leg, causing an instant erection that was impossible to hide in his tiny satin shorts. It was only ten am on his first day and already he realized it was going to be a very long week.

  By late afternoon he was growing relieved as so far he had been lucky and had not run into any Omegas yet. Grinning to be finishing his last class he knew it was time to report for his first evening at their house and walked quickly as inconspicuously as possible towards the Omega house. He had been worried all day about being cornered by one or more of the sisters and then embarrassed in public, but his hopes rose as it looked like he was going to make it as the afternoon grew late. He dreaded what was in store for him back at their sorority of course, but at least that would be semi-private and not out for all the world to see.

  As he was walking across the crowded commons towards his temporary home he was embarrassed to see that as usual the area was packed with students. There would be no way to avoid having to cross through the crowd, so he put his head down and started to cross. Preparing for endless ridicule and taunts, he began to walk quickly through the crowd, face down and feet flying before he was forced to halt. From behind he heard three girls call out to him to stop and reluctantly he turned around to face them. When he did, and then realized that all three were Omegas, he knew his luck had just run out. With a very mischievous grin on her face, a beautiful blonde Omega approached with a sneering smirk on her face.

  “OK slave, we decided to take it easy on you. Each of us is going to give you a test to prove your worthiness to join the fraternity. Do you want questions or tasks?”

  Alex stuttered out that he preferred questions, as he was worried about what humiliating tasks they might ask him to perform in public. Once he heard the first question, he realized he had chosen unwisely.

  “Who was the first President of our Sorority?”

  Alex’s face went completely white as he realized he had been set up. He knew he had no way of knowing that, and he also knew that they knew he couldn’t possibly know the answer. The evil grin on the girls face confirmed his fear, and he dropped his head and shrugged.

  With a look of victory on her face, the first girl just snapped her fingers and held out her hand. Realizing he had no choice, he removed his shirt and handed it over. Several female bystanders whistled their appreciation at his muscular athleti
c chest which had been chiseled for years in the gym. Despite taking pride in his appearance, he grew quite embarrassed as the whistles grew louder. Now shirtless, he nervously awaited the second question.

  The next girl asked how much money the Sorority had raised during last spring’s fundraiser. Alex just dropped his head to his chest and realized that he was going to be stripped down to his embarrassing panties and there was nothing he could do about it. That girl too snapped her fingers and demanded his flip flops when he failed to answer.

  The last girl asked an equally ridiculous question, something about the birthdays of all of the girls in the house, and Alex’s face turned beet red as any hope he had of escaping with some dignity now evaporated. Reluctantly putting his thumbs in the waistband of his shorts he slowly removed them, trying desperately to block out the hooting and clapping from the small crowd that had now gathered around him to witness his humiliating spectacle. The last girl took his chin and raised it up before looking deep into his eyes.

  “Maybe you should take the tasks next time” she grinned as Alex reluctantly nodded. Winking she added “See you back at the house, SLAVE!”

  The walk back to the sorority house was now even more humiliating as the panties strained under his half hard cock and displayed it quite prominently. Even worse, the rubbing of the silk over his cock and balls made him even harder as he walked, and by the time he arrived at the sorority house he was completely erect. Humiliated and trying to cover himself, he entered the main living room which now was full of all of the sisters. Every eye turned to greet him as he strode in.

  Victoria chuckled as she saw Alex in his almost nude state. “First day didn’t go so well did it?”

  Alex shook his head but remained silent. He knew better than to try and speak as there was no doubt his tongue would be completely paralyzed in this situation. Cupping his erection in his hand, he stood still and tried to hide his woody as he wondered what was going to come next. Holding his breath he listened as the beautiful Victoria continued.

  “Well Alex, among your tasks as our slaveboy is to do all of our laundry. We have a washing machine in our basement, but no dryer, so you will have to hang them out to dry.”

  Walking over to him standing in the middle of the room, she smiled as she ran her finger down his chest and over the side string of his panties. She felt her own arousal spike as she saw him flinch when she touched him and she could smell both his fear and arousal at her being this close to him. Looking back at her sorority sisters, she could see they were all throughly enjoying the choice she had made, as Alex was truly a hunk. Circling him as she spoke, she traced her finger over his sole remaining clothing as she heard his breathing rapidly increase as he was obviously getting quite turned on.

  “Being that you only have one article of clothing left, you will of course have to wash it each night. Now, after you have washed everything and hung them out to dry, join us back here in the living room so we can inform you of your remaining tasks for the night.” Pointing to a giant pile of dirty clothes, she grinned as she watched his firm tight ass hang out of his tiny panties as he bent down to pick up the pile of clothes.

  Taking all of the girls dirty laundry down to the basement Alex began sorting everything and quickly discovered a new fetish that would haunt him for the rest of his life. The sight and smell of so many used lace panties got him throbbing and hard. Still being a virgin, he had never held a worn pair of woman’s panties in his hand and he had to fight the urge sniff deep. The scent of female was powerful and highly arousing, and he throbbed as the perfume wafted over him as he loaded the washer. Reluctantly he removed his own panties and washed them as well and, covering himself as best he could, went back upstairs to learn about his assignments for the rest of the night.

  When he entered, the girls all clapped wildly as he padded bare assed into their midst. There he was, naked and exposed to all of them, and reporting for service. Several of the girls who had been in the sorority for a while looked forward to hell week each year for just such moments, but this year and with this pledge it was over the top. Several of the seniors congratulated Victoria on choosing such a fine specimen as Alex and obviously the relished the coming days, anticipating that his initiation was going to be most entertaining. Once he entered and stood red faced and naked before them, Victoria spoke again for the group.

  “Alex, one of the rules of the house is no slaveboy is allowed to cover himself or touch his cock while in this house. I will only warn you this one time, so put your hands on your head.”

  Alex gulped but slowly complied. Closing his eyes he blushed as he placed his hands on his head and stood before them with his cock standing out at a 90 degree angle, quivering and desperate for release. This whole day of his near nudity followed by having his nostrils subjected to musky female scent infused into all those panties had gotten Alex quite horny and his aching balls really needed to shoot. He also realized that somewhere deep in his psyche a switch had been flipped and he was getting off on having these women control his body. Discovering this, he was ashamed but oddly excited as the warm arousing hormones that had been released now washed over his body and only made him harder.

  Watching Alex grow hard, Victoria knew that he was enjoying being ordered around so she decided to play with this new information. Snapping her fingers, she pointed at the floor.

  “You may begin your service by showing your new owners the proper respect we deserve. Get on your knees before me and kiss my feet.”

  Alex instantly obeyed and his cock began to throb and pulse as he licked each toe, kissing and sucking each one carefully. Victoria, now smiling very big, realized they had a true foot slave on their hands and they were all going to thoroughly enjoy this week. With her other foot she reached out to Alex’s exposed and dangling cock and balls and began to lazily run circles over them with her toes. Alex moaned as he continued to worship and felt the cum, long denied, start its ascent from his balls to release as he felt the first female ever touch his hard cock in his life, albeit with her foot. As she stroked him, he started panting and shaking, sucking her toes like a wild man. Right at the last moment, she stopped, and Alex wobbled unsteadily,desperate for sweet relief and unconsciously dry humping the air.

  “No Alex, there will be no relief for you tonight. You are here to serve us, not us you. This (and she placed her toes right at the base of his balls for emphasis) belongs to us for the whole week, and won’t be yours to play with until next Monday. I can’t wait to see what state you are in by then!”

  Alex groaned as he realized he was going to be teased all week but did not care. The feel of her soft toes on his manhood awakened a beast inside his body, and he was hooked. This was going to be hell week, or maybe heaven week, he wasn’t sure yet but he did fill with hope that perhaps he would eventually leave this house with his v-card punched. His hopes rose even further as he heard Victoria’s next words.

  Standing up, she ran her hands over Alex’s ass and purred her approval as she turned to address the other sisters.

  “Well Ladies, as President of the Gammas it is my duty to watch over you girls, so, I am going to personally inspect our new property TONIGHT!”

  With hooting and laughter they all clapped as they watched her grab him by the balls and begin walking him upstairs. Following dutifully behind her he throbbed as his mind raced. This was it, at last, he was finally going to lose his virginity! Like a sad little puppy he could not take his eyes off of her gorgeous ass as she pulled him up each step. Throbbing and pulsing in her hands, when they arrived at her room he thought he would faint as the emotions of finally enjoying the love of a real LIVE woman appeared to be dangling tantalizingly before him. Having waited so long for feel of a woman’s touch on his cock, her grip on his testicles was like velvet and he could only imagine what it would be like to plunge his hard rod into her like all those porn movies he had watched over the years.

  Entering her room Alex grinned as he saw her enormous brass bed looming before him. Here he was sure he would be fucking this Goddess within seconds, and his mouth salivated at the thought. Victoria, feeling his balls tingling in her hands smiled as she snapped her fingers and pointed to the foot of the bed.